Digital detox
Do you feel overwhelmed by the daily routine? Do you process too much information on a daily basis? Did you know that our brains need to rest sometimes? This allows us to recharge our batteries and look at our lives, relationships and affairs with a new freshness. We invite you to relax “here and now”. Experience every moment at DoWoli. Turn off your phone and computer and instead of reading about the next affair focus on what you have around you. Whether it be the birds singing, the wind rustling in the treetops or the rain falling on our garden. You can track deer running through the surrounding meadows. Traverse the Jizera trails. For those who take their detox seriously, we can store your electronics and only release them at the end of your stay. Would you dare to take such a step? ? We are located in a secluded area.

We are located in an isolated part of the Jizera foothills. The nearest bigger town is 6 km away from us (Świeradów-Zdrój). Our life flows among meadows, forests with unique fauna and flora, the power of which is in the air wherever we go.
We very deliberately got rid of TV sets from our rooms to eliminate one of the main sources of low energy and wasted time. Instead, guests are recommended to establish a relationship with themselves, nature and a digital detox. Time spent in nature, excluding unnecessary streams of information, will allow us to look at our own lives with freshness and detachment, so that we can embark on our “life projects” with a new boost of energy.