– The prices of the rooms and their availability are given in the booking system above (button Book your stay). Description and photos of the rooms are here.
– Minimum stay is 2 nights. During holidays min. 4 nights. Exception is the exclusive rental of the house – min. 2 nights also during holidays.
– Breakfast – PLN 40. Buffet, we serve our own breads, local cold meats, honey, eggs. Please note: find out if we offer breakfast during the selected period. More about meals here.
– Firewood – PLN 80 per wheelbarrow, this is what we pay for it ourselves.
– Arrival with your pet – PLN 25 per day.
– Coffee outside of breakfast, espresso coffee machine – PLN 5-10.
Please note: there are NO TVs in our house.

You can pay by cash, bank transfer or BLIK.
Account no. PL 23 1140 2004 0000 3402 8150 3938, BIC nr BREXPLPWMBK (receiver: Dowoli Marcin Jankowski)
BLIK instant transfer at +48 506 143 115.
We invite you to our home.